Check back often to find out what is happening in room 107.

November 4, 2012

Here comes November!

Please visit my new blog, The Classroom Key, for more great anchor charts, ideas, and freebies!

In writing we have started a new unit on how-to pieces.  This week we wrote about how to make ice cream sundaes.

We are learning how to tell time to 5-minutes.  We made these clocks with flaps so we can check how many minutes each hour number stands for.

In our social studies cultures unit we learned about Egypt.  We wrote our names in ancient Egyptian heiroglyphics.  

Each of us also decorated a sarcophagus.  

When we studied Italy, we found that mosaics are a common art form in that country.  We made our own mosaics out of foam tiles.

We are learning about different genres.  Recently we have read realistic fiction and a folktale.

Our latest grammar skill is identifying synonyms and antonyms.  To help us remember the difference I made this poster about the Cinnamon/Synonym Bears and the Antonym Ants.

On Halloween, Ms. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus visited our class.